
11 min read

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JolleRaptors's avatar
Here it is!! Promised Raffle for all those who don't own a JR but would love to have one!!!

Your Prize is this little cute guy:

Raffleraptor ( JR Group Event Raffle- CLOSED) by Thalliumfire

You have to:
- be part of the group
- advertise this raffle would be cool öwö <3
- comment under this journal with a link to your advertisment and something written to not let it look so plain with only a link x,DD
 ( even 'yaaay' is beter than nothing xP)

You already have a Raptor?
But you know people who don't but wish for one?
Tag up to 3 people who you give a ticket to! ( note that each person can only own two tickets for this raffle!! i will note down the participants and the number of their tickets for you to easy check ö3ö)

~ Please all be fair and don't participate with multiple accounts û_u ~

For this raptor is a SPECIAL for people who really WANT a JR, you will not be allowed to :
- sell it
- trate it for anything but another JR! ( trading for JR- yes. trading for ANYTHING else: no.)
( seriously people. this raffle is for people who'd love a jr. i do not want to see him being traded for a waterdog or whatdoiknow.)

1 tilly|2AnnoyingScout|3occultic|4Shaydeow-Artz |5Winurify|6Thylacyanide|7spaceKnightz|8ll-Coffee-ll| 9AnnieHorror| 10rrhythmortis|11TeeNYbEAst| 12BluBurryMuffin | 13Leland-Doodles| 14dratimeg | 15Pikakittygurl5465| 16Lizzara| 17CyfangBeru | 18DrDoomy| 19UndergroundCat|20tunasoba| 21Mr-Hydee| 22Foxxies| 23BocahKepo| 24Maresy|25SaitoPsyncin| 26MythicalSpace | 27x-Skeletta-x | 28Pikakittygurl5465 | 29Wishbreeze24 | 30FrozenMaple | 31Toxiity | 32Nasall | 33Paper-Ianterns|  34KTK-Fold| 35Nine-Broken-Clocks | 36horserxdish | 37Sharkysaur| 38alliure| 39dctrs| 40pastelkittens |41TheRiversEdge| 42ll-Coffee-ll |43TheRiversEdge | 44AbyssalRadiance |45horrorkinq|  46saalti| 47AbyssalRadiance |48Leland-Doodles| 49EllieSprings |  50SketchRide|51Namchu |52Kayinsi| 53GreemoRPG |  54TicciChiKitty | 55EmilyVanSlyke | 56Noxious-Dreams| 57Pirate-Klng-Luffy| 58aligerum|59defigure|60Fluffomaru|  61reqret| 62FreakOfLove | 63Cinistello| 64OfficerMittens | 65Ent0nia| 66GlassAce| 67mild-arts| 68pusbunny| 69ColdIko| 70LadyKochou| 71Superhglg| 72MonstaChan| 73NutaqLupus| 74Hlghway| 75puqpaws| 76Property-of-SHIELD| 77SoIar| 78Nivisdoodles| 79FallowDoe| 80Angelwing1998| 81NauveStar|82RubySpades| 83TeenaPai| 84Fantastikitten| 85hexoddities| 8621-Pilots| 87Nivisdoodles| 88CorruptedWaffles| 89Sunlitmadness| 90KAWOSHlN| 91Eraili | 92Khimi-chan |93Arianelka |94wolfxdog |95Blue-squids |96totounai |97KiaCollect |98totounai |99CompassRoses |100Elfiegami |101piqeonline |102i-Anzu |103Sh4rkByt3 |104Seaskye |105InkkyBully |106T4NT4S |107EX1E |108httpdogs |109SunburnDesigns |110AdoptableCutes|112AlphaCrest-WolfPack|113SlayersStronghold|114Lazy-Kiki|115Thornbeast|116pasteIpurrinq|117RK-V00|118 Reddemonspy|119 Hellusination|120 ThePaperPapaya|121 RedRoronoa|122 Maonii|123 RayFierying|124 FeralGator|125 JordanDwI|126 WiindBlade|127 reflectiiive||128 RainPetals| 129Kylleo| 130craftytexangirl|131PARASlTE| 132flugymalugy| 133GrimmTail| 134divinedust| 135Nekoehh| 136ttaro| 137xXDarkiiXx|138N3rdy-Princess| 139Beafox|

______SOOOOOO later on today i will crawl up to the random number generator to ask for it's wise decission____ |,P
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